Tuesday, August 12, 2008

WotLK: A screenshot and some musings

Greetings again all. I took one screenshot last night. Like a fool, I was so immersed in testing that I failed to take any more.

Fret not, loyal reader. After I complete the Death Knight Experience you can expect me to delete my Dwarven DK and start anew. I'll take plenty of screenshots for you then.

In the screenshot you can see the back of my DK, to include that beautiful runeblade on his back. The Val'kyr Battle-Maiden before me is one of two standing flying beside the Lich King himself. Also, if you peer into the background, none other than Baron Rivendare is also present in Ebon Hold.

Make sure you scroll down past the screenshot, as I'll let you know about the integrated threat meter, or at least what I saw of it.

As for the threat meter, I'll have to get a picture taken and post it later. It is pretty sleek, but I think it is a little hard to see if you're not used to it. In between your character portrait and health/runic power bars, there is just enough space for a diamond to appear. This diamond turns yellow when you are targeting an enemy in which you appear on its threat table. It gradually becomes more red the higher you get.

I apologize now for not having more details about that. I will pay a little more attention to it the next time I hop on.


Brian said...

Wow.. the details in that screenshot are pretty sweet! I heard that WOTLK had some nice polish on it, but that is awesome!

Have you tried out the other races to see how they look as Death Knights? I heard that Night Elves look awesome, Gnomes still look comical, and Dranei look good too.

Vito said...

get off your lazy ass and take some screenies!

god theres gonna be so many gnome dks in the release that blizz is gonna have to make gnomeregan a real city for them.... which would actually be cool

one thing that I'm worried over is that as of now, hunters aren't extremely desirable in groups... the new 80 talents don't give much group help either, and dks might just be taking all our spots! i really need to level mah druid...

Boyd said...

You're right on both fronts, Vito. Gnome Death Knights will, I'm afraid, take over the Alliance in race-class distribution.

As for hunters, I kind of think that if Blizzard buffed their ranged damage more and weakened their melee, while still maintaining the utility of their pet and traps, they would see more group time. You and I both know that it won't happen though, as unfortunate as that may be.

Mike said...

Dude, your DK looks so lame. You fail at WotLK.

-- Thorny the ninja strikes again.