Sunday, November 23, 2008

Playble Goblin: The Blog

Hey guys and gals.

If you haven't noticed, the posting here started strong and then diminished quickly. The truth behind the matter is that I had three months off from traveling on business trips during the later summer and that's when I posted. Now for the last few months I've been busy, busy, busy with work and haven't had the mental patience to post.

Enough of that.

So I bring you! It's a blog started by our common friend Thornbush of Shadowsong and he's asked me to contribute. I think I'll have an easier time contributing to a blog that I don't own, and will feel no pressure to post to.

So it looks like I may post here a couple more times, but my blogs will most definitely end up being posted over at the Goblin. Plus, his blog's name is way cooler than mine.

See you there!