Wednesday, September 3, 2008

My absence as of late...

Greetings all, how are we doing today?

Deep in my heart of hearts I hope that there are but a few loyal readers out there that have checked my blog daily, eagerly awaiting every new post.

Realistically, you guys only check this when I post in the guild forums that I have updated it.

I have been traveling quite a lot for work lately, and it has not even begun to slow down. I will be taking a hiatus, even longer than I've been away already. I hope to be awake enough or driven enough to make a post now and then, but until mid-October rolls around I will be quite busy.

Thanks for sticking with me. The posts shall continue, just give it time. I gotta support the little ones, you know?


Unknown said...

Traveling that much is the suck :( Good luck out there man.

Brian said...

We'll take care of your wife for you! ;)

Take care!