Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Achievements - The Silver Dragon

Earlier this morning, while waiting for some rather large documents to print, I was checking out the Wrath Beta forums. I read an interesting little tidbit from Tigole that I kind of hope gets implemented.

A beta poster simply asked if there would be an achievement in regards to killing Rare Mobs in-game. Tigole responded with what seems to be an answer in the affirmative.

I know I always enjoy encounters with Rare Mobs in the world of Azeroth and Outland. My wife does, too. My perfect encounter is when the mob and I are both of the same level. I'll work extra hard to get the area clear of any adds that my be threatening, and then I'll formulate how in the world I'm going to beat this mob.

More often than not, I take them out. However, there have been some circumstances (like being a lower level character and not having my full gauntlet of abilities) where instead of vanquishing my foe, I end up as its lunch.

I'm interested to see if they make separate achievements for this by continent, or if they'll simply put in one achievement that reads "Killed all Rare Spawns in the world." The latter would be awful hard to do, and the former seems more reasonable.

So tell me, what do you think?

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