Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Even More Bag Space?

Well today sure has been a busy day for Boyd of Shadowsong. Not one, but two posts!

While browsing the WotLK Beta Achievements Forum I saw a little snippet from Tigole himself. I recently informed you of the changes to Mounts and Vanity Pets, and it appears now that "Heroic Badges, BG Tokens are all getting storage space." Does this mean that all of our tabards and tokens from these completed achievements will get the same treatment? For all of us with full bags we can only continue to hope so.

It appears the story broke out a little earlier over at our friends WoW Insider. I'm sure they can provide a better look into it than I can, with their resources being much greater than my own.

Three cheers for more bag space! Huzzah! Huzzah! Huzzah!

1 comment:

Brian said...

This is a nice change by Blizz.. I know I have some characters that are struggling with bag space and this should alleviate a bunch of issues. If they combine this with larger bags as well, I should be in great shape.